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Tips on Changing Your Major

Changing your major while in school can be a big step, and with it can come some confusion and worry. As with most big steps, it can be nerve-wracking when trying to determine what to do with the rest of your life. However, if you've determined that your current major is just not the right fit, don't stress! We have some tips on changing your major to make this new step as painless as possible.

If you follow our tips on changing your major, you'll find that this stressful process really isn't so bad, and you will be enjoying your new classes in no time.

Talk to your counselor

This is the first thing that should always be done when you decide or are considering changing your major. Your counselor will be able to tell you what courses you've taken that count, when your graduation will be, if it will need to be later or if summer courses will need to be taken, as well as any graduation requirements like an internship or thesis that needs to be completed. Not only that, they can inform you if the process requires you to declare a major before you can select certain courses that are necessary. Talking it over will also let you know if there are any hidden costs you weren't aware of that may need to be taken into consideration.

Take advantage of different lectures from professors

This can be a great way to determine whether or not you really want to explore this major. In many cases, professors will host different lectures where they have multiple professors within one concentration come in and give more information on different areas of study, as well as their experiences. This could help you to change your major from Biology to Chemistry or Physics. You'd be staying in the realm of science, but may have a different calling that just wasn't fitting your personality before.

Turn in any necessary forms

If you have forms that need to be signed and filled out, do this as soon as possible. Even if you wind up changing your major again, you want to be able to access all of your classes on time, as well as be able to research the different professors.

Research the potential jobs with this major

With the Internet, we have the world at our fingertips, we should take advantage of this and do as much research as possible to ensure that there's a career position that sounds interesting before you switch your major. If you were leaning towards art and find that you don't want to show your work or become a teacher potentially, then that eliminates potential career options in that particular field, and you may want to reconsider your major in that instance.

Once you've taken into consideration our tips on changing your major, you can choose the best option for you and your personality and your future aspirations. Just remember to do thorough research before making such a big change, and ensuring that it matches your career aspirations.


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